Pato asado con verduras de temporada Granja Luisiana

Roast duck with seasonal vegetables

Ingredients (4 people)
  • 1 clean whole barbaric duck @granjaluisiana
  • 1 potimarron pumpkin
  • 300g baby carrots
  • 2 nectarines
  • 1 coconut
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
  • 3/4 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 3 branches of fresh thyme (if you don't have dry)
  • Salt

Previous marinating

Juice of 1 orange + 2 tablespoons of paprika + pepper + 2 tablespoons of teriyaki (or soy) sauce + 1 branch of dried thyme + 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

beetroot mayonnaise

1 egg + juice of 1 lemon or apple cider vinegar + 200ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil + 1 tablespoon of homemade beetroot powder.


  1. We squeeze an orange, add the oil, teriyaki sauce, the spices, the aromatic herbs and mix to make a marinade. Paint the duck with it and leave it to marinate for an hour. After 30 minutes we turn around so that the other side is also impregnated.
  2. We prepare the coals of the barbecue leaving a central space (heat oven if you do not have a bbq). Peel and cut the pumpkin into slices and put them on a tray or source suitable for bbq. Add the carrots, and the nectarines.
  3. We place the duck leaving it in the central area. Add all the marinade, reserving a little to varnish the skin from time to time and fill it with 2 sprigs of rosemary. We cover the bbq or close the oven and bake for approximately 1 hour and a half. Meanwhile we prepare the mayonnaise, and leave it in the fridge.
  4. Every 20 minutes, we turn the duck, varnishing with the rest of the marinade, to get a nice golden color. We serve it in the same dish, carving at the table accompanying each piece with pumpkins, roasted nectarines, coconut and baby carrots. We accompany it with a little beetroot mayonnaise.
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